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 According to Islamic principles, is it permissible for a Muslim woman to move out independently when her parents have evicted her due to their inability to afford her medical care?


This is a complex and sensitive question that may have different answers depending on the context and circumstances of the situation. However, based on my knowledge and research, I can provide some general information and guidance on this topic.

According to Islamic principles, the primary responsibility of taking care of a Muslim woman lies with her mahram (a male relative who she is permanently forbidden to marry, such as her father, brother, son, uncle, etc.). A Muslim woman is not obliged to work or earn money for herself or her family, unless there is a necessity or a valid reason. However, she is also not forbidden to work or earn money, as long as she observes the Islamic rules of modesty, decency, and dignity.

If a Muslim woman's parents have evicted her due to their inability to afford her medical care, this may be considered a case of necessity or hardship that allows her to seek alternative means of living and treatment. She may try to seek help from other relatives, friends, charitable organizations, or the Muslim community. She may also try to find a suitable and lawful job or source of income that can support her needs and expenses.

However, if none of these options are available or feasible for her, then she may be permitted to move out independently, as a last resort, to protect her life, health, and dignity. This is based on the Islamic principle of choosing the lesser of two evils when faced with a dilemma. Moving out independently may involve some risks and challenges for a Muslim woman, such as living alone, traveling without a mahram, exposing herself to potential harm or harassment, etc. However, these risks may be outweighed by the greater harm of staying with her parents who cannot provide for her basic needs and rights.

Of course, this decision should not be taken lightly or hastily, but after careful consideration and consultation with trustworthy and knowledgeable people, such as scholars, counselors, mentors, etc. She should also try to maintain a good relationship with her parents and seek their forgiveness and approval, if possible. She should also observe the Islamic rules of conduct and morality, such as praying, fasting, dressing modestly, avoiding forbidden acts, etc. She should also seek Allah's guidance and protection, and trust in His wisdom and mercy.

I hope this answer has been helpful and informative for you. Please note that this is not a definitive or authoritative answer, but only a general overview based on my understanding and research. If you have any further questions or concerns, you should consult a qualified and reliable Islamic scholar or expert who can provide you with more specific and detailed guidance. May Allah bless you and ease your difficulties. 😊
AI answer.

Waktu-Waktu Yang Sesuai Untuk Wanita Muslimah Keluar Rumah

Wanita muslimah boleh keluar rumah pada waktu-waktu tertentu, asalkan memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh syariat. Waktu-waktu yang sesuai untuk wanita muslimah keluar rumah adalah:

1. Bekerja, jika tidak ada sumber nafkah atau penjagaan kesehatan yang lain.

2. Menghindari bahaya atau kesulitan yang membahayakan jiwa atau harta benda.

3. Berlaku sumbang mahram (baik secara sengaja maupun tidak).

4. Mendapatkan rawatan medis yang kritikal atau penting.

5. Menghadapi ancaman atau keganasan di rumah.

6. Mencari ilmu, beribadat atau berdakwah, dengan izin suami atau wali.

7. Dihalau atau diabaikan oleh ibu bapa.

Syarat-syarat dan tata cara yang wajib dipatuhi oleh wanita muslimah yang keluar rumah adalah:

 • Menutup aurat dengan pakaian yang longgar, tebal, tidak menyerupai pakaian lelaki atau pakaian kafir, dan tidak menarik perhatian lawan jenis.

 • Tidak menerima lamaran atau menikah dengan lelaki yang bukan mahramnya selama masa iddah (jika suaminya meninggal atau bercerai).

 • Tidak berpindah atau menetap di rumah lain yang bukan tempat tinggalnya selama masa perkawinan, kecuali ada bahaya atau kesulitan yang memaksa.

 • Waktu yang disyorkan untuk keluar rumah adalah pada siang hari, kecuali ada keperluan yang mendesak.

“Leaving after being treated well? That's a rare bird.” - QH

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