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"I won't help you. Let it go, abandon it, and let it expire."

The words echoed in my mind, long after my father had stormed out of the room. I stood there, frozen, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe he had said that. My own father.

I had never understood my father. He was a distant, cold man, who had always seemed to have a dark cloud hanging over him. But this was different. This was betrayal.

I could feel my anger rising, like a hot wave coursing through my veins. I wanted to scream, to cry, to lash out. But I knew that would only make things worse. I had to stay calm. I had to think.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I tried to picture my father's face, but all I could see was the look of indifference in his eyes. He didn't care about me. He didn't care about my dreams. He only cared about himself.

I opened my eyes and sighed. I knew what I had to do. I had to let go.

Letting go of my father was the hardest thing I've ever done. It wasn't something I could do overnight. It took time, and it took a lot of courage. But in the end, it was the best decision I ever made.

Letting go of my father didn't mean that I forgave him. It didn't mean that I forgot what he had done. It simply meant that I chose to stop letting his words and actions control my life.

I realized that I couldn't change my father. I couldn't control his behavior. But I could control my own reaction. I could choose to be a victim, or I could choose to be a survivor.

I chose to be a survivor.

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