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Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, is a popular vegetable in many parts of the world. It is known for its health benefits, including its ability to help regulate high blood pressure. Here are 10 facts about bitter gourd and high blood pressure that you should know.

A person checking their blood pressure
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What is Bitter Gourd?

  • Bitter gourd is a type of edible vegetable found in India and other parts of Asia.
  • It has a bitter taste and its shape resembles a cucumber.
  • It is also known as “bitter melon” or “karela”.

Benefits of Bitter Gourd for High Blood Pressure

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety
  • Low in Calories
  • Rich in Fiber
  • Rich in Potassium
  • High in Magnesium
  • Contains Vitamin C
  • Contains Iron
  • Contains Antioxidants
  • Could Lower Cholesterol
  • Regulates Blood Sugar Level


  • Bitter gourd is a nutritious vegetable that can be beneficial for people with high blood pressure.
  • It is a low-calorie, nutrient-dense food with many health benefits.
  • Eating bitter gourd regularly can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety, lower cholesterol, and regulate blood sugar levels.
Namun peria bukanlah ubat yang dicadangkan untuk penyakit-penyakit tersebut. Ia adalah suplemen yang membantu mempercepatkan penyembuhan bagi pesakit dan mencegah dari mengalami penyakit tersebut bagi orang yang sihat. - Dr. Zubaidi


1. Summary Test-tube studies show that bitter melon may have cancer-fighting properties and could be effective against stomach, colon, lung, nasopharynx, and breast cancer cells.


2. Summary Animal and human studies show that bitter melon extract may decrease cholesterol levels, which could help support heart health.


3. According to Ayurveda, it is in fact the bitter taste of Karela and its leaves that offers a wide range of health benefits and the texts prescribe consuming Karela as a juice or as a recipe at least twice a week to fight against various ailments.



Ready to start incorporating bitter gourd into your diet for its amazing health benefits? Try it out today and see the difference it can make!

✅ Jemput singgah

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