Mengandungi 6 PROTOKOL sebagai garis panduan pemakanan dan regim diet bagi membantu merawat anixety, panic attack, gerd, dan gastric untuk memberi tenaga bagi memudahkan penyerapan nutrient.
- merawat keradangan dalam perut
- mengoptimakan fungsi sistem saraf, sel-sel otak, sistem penghadaman, sistem pengangkutan darah, menguatkan organ-organ
* PDF file format
* 22 pages
E-Book Anxiety & Panic Attack Related to Indigestion, Gastritis & GERDS
I'm on a mission to make healthy living with holistic lifestyle, feel good tips and practices more accessible for EVERYONE. My passion is helping people reach their health and wellness goals.
Growing up, I was deeply immersed in the realm of herbs and nutrition, I acquired practical experience in caring for my grandparents, absorbing their sage advice on life.
My mother, an ardent lover of nature, endowed me with a rich understanding of the symbiotic relationship among all forms of life. She imparted to me the ancestral wisdom of herbal cures and a lifestyle in tune with nature, underscoring the need for living in harmony with our environment.
Initially, my father was a proponent of modern medicine. However, a pivotal moment occurred when my grandparents were diagnosed with thrombosis and diabetes. Confronted with the shortcomings of conventional pharmaceuticals, he began to explore anew the curative powers of nature. He noted how white bread swiftly affected my grandmother's glucose levels, an observation that reinforced his dedication to natural healing practices.
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